Well, we won't need to go back. The guy will use our set we already recorded. Thankgod, becuase we actually did good, at least in my opinion. It will be aired 2 weeks from today at 9pm on one of the local channels. I don't think I get it so I don't know which one, but hey, you can at least try. My guess is that it will probably be a very high number. I have Cablevision so i'm thinking it will be in the 70's or higher, but whatever, we'll see. New pictures coming soon, I just havn't gotten around to it. Check ShowZ to get the details of our 28th show, it's at the church again, I think at the same time too...


Our set was good today, but as usual, there was technical difficulties. So, we may have to re-record the whole thing, but who knows. Hopefully we won't, that was too nervewracking. Other then that, the only thing to come is the 28th thing, so I don't know how much NewZ there will be until then, but i'm sure i'll think of something to write, so keep checking back...


Well, the T.V. thing down the shore is tommorrow, hope we don't screw up. Anyway, I have lots of new pictures on the way, and I have an idea. I might break the four pictures down into seperate pages for each picture. I'm only putting the good pictures of us now. So, there will be lots of pages of pictures, because each page will only have one picture. Now, I could just make one page of thumbnails of each picture, and you could just click on the one you want, but that would require a lot of work, a lot of work witch I am not willing to do right now. In the future i'll probably get around to it, but for now i'll just have seperate pages for each picture, it will be more of a surprise that way. Yes, that is why i'm not going to do it. I'm not sure if i'm going to do this whole thing tonight though, because it's late and i'm tired, but expect to see it soon. I'll probably do it after the show tommorrow. It's funny because we have no idea what it's going to be like, it could be a T.V. studio, it could be outside, there could be an audience, there could be just a few people, there could be all of the bands watching us, there could be many many things. All we really know is that there is a 2 minute interview, and we know what questions to expect, so we are kind of ready for that. But, it shall be interesting either way. I'm hoping for a quiet room with a camera, and no one watching, except for the people watching the channel, because the fact that I won't be able to see them would help. No matter what I hope we do better then the last 3 times we've played our set. We are fine in practices, and then all of a sudden at a show, something screws up. But let's hope this one is a good one, let's just hope. Oh yeah, I changed, or will change, the Bio. I'm going to break it down into seperate parts so it's more organized for your reading pleasure, so check it out...


Two more days, then we get to be Public Access Stars! I bet you we screw up, or the equipment does, something always happens to us... But anyway, we's gunna have a show! September 28, at the church again. I'll post it under ShowZ for all the details. Well, last time we had like 50 paying customers, the rest snuck in the back. This time we may have big scary sercurity gaurds, so for those of you planning on sneaking in, expect an uneccasary cavity search, and I don't mean the ones on teeth! Hahahahaha! Yeah, besides that school is going to start soon, woohoo. I'm in all the honors classes, so I'm expecting to get plenty of homework, you can imagine my excitment. I'm sure i'll find a way to get buy though, but I don't know about Evan. He wasn't the most hardworking guy to say the least, hahahaha. Anyway, at least you'll have the 28th to look forward to, so mark your calanders...


Well bandcamp started, and that was about it. Brace yourselves ladies and gents, there shall be many more days like this in the future, and if there is i'll spare you the trouble of reading about it by not putting anything. But who knows, maybe somehting humiliating/painful will happen to one of us. In that case, i'll be sure to explain it in very close detail for your amusement, so stay tuned...


Happy Birthday Shawne, or Shaune, or Sean(however you spell it)! Yes everyone, today was the guitarist/lead singer from Hollow Mind's birthday. We played at his party along with Hollow Minds, it was lots of fun. There was cake, there was brownies, and yes, there was fireworks...


Ears are still ringin', and Evan from Idle Youth's bass is still missing. Well hopefully all will be resolved on the morrow. Also, check out the njo forum at's under Local Home, then click Bound Brook, it's post number 133.), Dick Crieg is sticking up for us against the shmucks of New Jersey, it is great. He is the coolest...


MY EARS ARE RINGING SO LOUDLY!!! Anyway, I just got back from Hamilton Street. Jettison was great, and Idle Youth was up to there usual shananigans. But anyway, it was fun, except when a naked guy ran around the audience. Those images shall haunt me for the rest of my life...


Well i'm tired so I shall sum it up: we did okay, Hollow Minds, Falling Short, and the rest of them were awsome, the population of Squaresville went up by 200 (YOU LAZY FRIKEN BUMS!!!), and the garbage cans of the Bridgewater Mall are now filled to the top with our flyers. THANKS FOR NOT COMING!!!


I hate being serious, thank god that is all over with. Anyway, today the SquirrelZ, except for Matt(lazy bum), went to the beach and as usual, annoyed people. Evan was sporting a dashing "MTV SUCKS!" t-shirt as we walked back and forth past the MTV summer beach house. Everyone was getting all antsy because Fat Joe/Jack/Jigga was pre-filming his acceptance speach for this years VMA's. Ha, that lazy bum had the time to go to the New Jersey shore, but not enough time to go to the VMA's. I think he's got his priorities mixed up. But anyway, through the random upset teeny-boppers, we found that some people agreed with the shirt. Those people, my friends, are true American citizens in every way! But anyway, we found some "people" that we had previously harassed in the mall the other day, who were also down there having some fun in the sun. We got to go to their shore house, all of it ending with us narrowly escaping from a very angry mother. Oh well! :-P Yeah, he got the t-shirt air brushed too, pictures of it will be up soon, along with the new pictures form our show tomrow! I am soooooo friken nervous, I hate waiting. But i'm sure that when the show is all over with, and I have run off to the woods to hide for the rest of my life, I will feel much better... Well, let's all just hope it goes well, because, I don't really like the woods too much... Okay, better see you all there...


People of America(and various parts of Canada), there is something I must address. First off, I want to apologize if I have offended Exhibit A or any of the other bands who were in the battle of the bands last week. I was just angry at the time, but now that anger has passed. I am all for the scene, we, The Radioactive SquirrelZ, support the scene. Anyway, this "matter" was brought to my attention by a group of individuals who shall remain nameless... Anyway, this group of individuals did not tell me this to help me out, but only in an attempt to make us feel bad or something related to that. This group of individuals obviously wants attention from us, so I thought I should mention this happening. See everybody, many people in this town claim that we are nothing, that we are not even a band, yet they care enough when we do something to send us threatening e-mails. Weird huh... Anyway, all we do is try to get along with this group of individuals, we even got them a show, and what do they do? They throw it in our face. A very "unprfessional" thing to do, wouldn't you say? Well, being the "professional" guys we are, we shall not let these constant threats against our lives affect us. We shall be as kind as we always are. We aren't even going to kick them off our show, which we probably should. But anyway, what it boils down to, is "Can't we all just get along!" That's all i'm trying to say, that is all I am trying to say...

Ladies and gentlemen, I have just recieved a message from one of the individuals who read my most recent coloumn. It had too many curse words and other derogitory remarks for me to put it on this site, but I will address it anyway. Although the individual made several remarks to punching us in the face, I am not going to hold those statements against him in any way. He wanted us to erase/change the coloumn I wrote after the announcements of the 4-H winners. And that just isn't right. But I shall explain this situation more clearly anyway. This individual was angry at us because he thought we were mocking the scene. He was sticking up for the scene and he had every right to. But this is all just a misunderstanding. We were in no way making fun of the scene. We were just expressing our disapointment over the results. Those statements were in no way ment to be taking personally by any of the bands, and if they were I apologize again. And above all, they had absolutly nothing to do with the scene. We were just mad that we lost, plain and simple. Anyone else would be too, and i'm sure Hollow Minds can relate. I just don't feel it right to change the messages, they were said and have been up a while already. It's not like hundreds of people have read it, but the few people who have been coming to this site have. But, I guess, if it has deeply offended these individuals, then I must. So, the August 16, 2002 coloumn for NewZ has been removed. Thankyou... -Steve

Well, thanks to some intelligent people, unlike myself, all new NewZ shall be on top, old news being on the bottom. So, that way you won't think I havn't updated it. See, I have just saved you the trouble of scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the page. Lazy bums! Also, we have been getting lots of feedback about this site. Most of it good. Some people think we are too hard on ourselves, actually many people tell us that. Well, it's not that we hate ourselves, it's just that we use our low self-esteem as motivation. We don't think THAT low of ourselves, we just don't want to get our hopes up about things, only for them to CRASH AND BURN INTO A FIERY PIT OF HELL.......such as the 4-H fair. Anyway, we don't do it for attention, and we don't do it so people feel bad for us, please don't if you already do, WERE NOT CRIPPLES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Anyway, I thought I should clear that up, and now that it's clear, I shall tell you of what we did today. We practiced, and went to the park... All done! As for the show on Friday, we cancelled because it was just too short notice, but we'll definitly play at Hamilton sometime in the near future, so be on the lookout. The show on Thursday is definitly still on, definitly! So, if you can't make it, don't tell me, because then you won't even be alive enough to get to Squaresville, and yes I did just say "alive enough"!!! Okay, seeya Thursday...


Well, it was just an ordinary day again. 40 more flyers, 40 more harassed civilians. It's almost like a routine now. Anyway, as usual I was picking up the ladies while Jay and Evan were walking around the mall. Hahahahaha, yeah right. I'm sure about 2 of the people who got the flyers will actually show up. But hey, that's two more then we had before, right? Right. The Hamilton Street gig is actually Friday but it's still not confirmed. It looks pretty definite though, so actually the Thursday show will be the preview, not the Hamilton one. Either way, it shall be quite fun. For those of you who rejected our offer for a flyer, I hope your bags are almost done being packed. Us people who won't be in Squaresville are going to be a rockin' and a rollin' from 6:30-11...oh yeah! Seeya there...


Today was just another day. We practiced, and then we went to the mall and harassed innocent civilians into taking our cheaply made flyers. Just one of the many benefits you get for having a band. While we were there, we met some interesting people. One of which had his own band and offered to get us on their show this Wednesday at Hamilton Street. This isn't under ShowZ yet because it is not definite, but if it is, check us out and get a sneak preview of the SquirrelZ, live and in concert. As soon as I find out, i'll post it under ShowZ so check back daily, although you should be doing so already! So we passed out a lot of flyers, hopefully each one will bring in one or more people. Now this Thursday show is gunna be huge! You can not miss it. If you are going to, then you should be already packing your bags for Squaresville, because that is where you're going to be living for the rest of your pathetic life! Yes, even if you dispize punk music, you should still come. Unless you despize having a good time as well? Do ya? That's what I thought!!! So for those of you who have already formed excuses, all I have to say is start packing your bags, start packing your bags...


Yes, it is official. This page will stay up. We didn't do that bad. We'll find out tommorrow who the winner is. Hollow Minds got screwed out of it!!! But if we win it, it will be in their honor. So let's hope we win it; for Bound Brook, for New Jersey, and for the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! There...I was patriotic for a moment, and now the moment has passed. Anyway, we figured out why the pictures weren't running for some people. If it doesn't work for you, it might be because the URL of the picture is restricted. To find out; right click on the picture or little red X, click properties, and under URL it might say "Site Restricted". So do not fear Squirrel fans. Just stop going on those adult websites for a few months, and just maybe your parents will let you back on General Access...Evan! Hahahaha, just kidding. Well i hope all of you can take a half hour out of your horribly busy schedules to come to down to the 4-H grounds to see the results. This especially applies to those of you who didn't come to watch us actually play!!! So make sure you go, and check back at this site a lot, cz I make changes almost everyday, they keyword being ALMOST, it should be fully up soon...


Hey everyone! So far the pictures are workin, are show dates are up, and bio is too, contactz is running too. Thanks to Tommy, this site is almost actually working...kinda! Anyway, this is it, the night before the 4-h gig!!!!!! Are you pumped, i know i am. You all better go, i probably know almost all of the people that are reading this right now, meaning i am in walking distance of all your houses! Well you might not be reading this, because if we totally bombed at the 4-H, then we will have destroyed this site. But hey, maybe we won't do have bad and this paragraph will make it to the public. I'm sure you are all hoping we do good, unless you are Dave. Jealous jealous Dave...hahahaha! WELL, see you at the 4-h Fair i guess!(that was for the 2 people who will ever actually read this)


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